The persimmon fruit is a fruit straight from East Asia, particularly Japan and China.
Delicious crunchy and sweet or ripe, this autumn fruit contains many benefits and flavors.
Persimmon contains many benefits; such as antioxidants which help fight free radicals and protect cells.
Low in calories but a good supply of fiber and vitamins A and C, which makes it a good ally for people who pay attention to their diet or rebalance their diet.
Persimmon can be eaten fresh, in salads, in desserts or even cooked in savory dishes.
The philosophy of MARQUILLANES is to draw from the heart of nature, fruits and vegetables with healthy virtues for the health of consumers in order to offer a range of diverse products at all prices to allow everyone to eat well.

TEL. +33 (0) 4 68 85 25 15
Monday to Friday 6:30 am at 6:00 pm
Saturday 6:30 am at 12:00 am
5 languages spoken
with a share capital
of 1 000 000€
Stores 101/106
Saint-Charles International BP 85309
66033 Perpignan CEDEX